“It races the tide, fathoms out sunken cities and returns to the surface. A prelistening session is wholeheartedly recommended!”
Ambient Exotica

“This is a wonderful, magical album that will fulfill every lover of nature and the underwater world to full extend. A beautiful alternative to meditate, chill out, relax and dream away with! “
Yeah I Know It Sucks

“Underwater” by Sasha Darko is a light ambient album dedicated to past, present and future of the water world.
Using several synths, guitar, flute and water recordings, Sasha manages to create the atmosphere of the world where Giants from the Polysinean Era are still alive, sunken submarines are still transmitting their last signal after WWII, abandoned alien machines are analyzing the environment, and seagulls are flying and screaming above a big rock, where sirens are singing and waiting for ships.